WandaTrak Devices
When a person is missing CALL 111 (Police) and state the person is wearing a Wandatrak Device. Police Communications will obtain details of the missing person and Wandatrak frequency. Police Communications will notify Police Search and Rescue ‘on call’ officer via Whisper text. That ‘on call’ officer will initiate a search.

Radio Frequency
Radio frequency provides more reliable tracking in areas where GPS signals may be weak.

Land Search and Rescue (LandSAR) and NZ Police can locate the device of a missing person.

WandaTrak battery lasts 6 months without charge.

Battery refurbishments which are required every six months cost $60.00. This cost can be recovered through WINZ Disability Allowance.

The Device comes as a keyring, wrist watch or pendant, the device is showerproof.
Users are only searched for should they go missing.
If someone were to go missing, what is the process to find them?When a person is missing CALL 111 (Police) and state the person is wearing a Wandatrak Device. Police Communications will obtain details of the missing person and Wandatrak frequency. Police Communications will notify Police Search and Rescue ‘on call’ officer via Whisper text. That ‘on call’ officer will initiate a search.
How do I get a device?To find out more on getting a WanderSearch device please contact us at info@wandersearch.nz
Why radio frequency over GPS?The majority of the GPS systems available on the market at this stage are bulkier than the devices we currently use and have a battery life from 3 – 15 days, which requires someone to take responsibility to ensure the device is always charged. With our radio frequency system, the battery lasts six months and doesn’t require anything from the user or their whanau.
What personal information does WanderSearch keep on file?WanderSearch keeps only relevant information which may help in searching for a client i.e. their physical appearance; age; level of mobility; any favorite place they might try to go to; other medical conditions; previous wandering history etc. This information is collected at the time of issuing the tracking device and is kept on both our database and the Police computer system which can be accessed 24/7 by Police staff when required.
Is the device monitored 24/7?No. The only time that the devices are monitored is when an individual wanders and a search has been initiated. When an individual goes missing you need to call 111, ask for the Police and give the details and the circumstances to the Police Communication staff. You also need to inform them that they have a WanderSearch tracking device. The Police will look up the details on their computer system and the search process will begin at this point.
How much does the device cost?Through fundraising we run a Device loan bank whereby devices are available on loan to any person that is at risk. Donations for this service are always gratefully received. Once devices are no longer needed they are returned to WanderSearch Canterbury to be reissued. Battery refurbishments which are required every six months cost $60.00. This cost can be recovered through WINZ Disability Allowance.
My child wouldn't tolerate wearing a device, are there any other methods of attaching the device?Some clients especially Autistic youth cannot tolerate wearing a device. In many cases this can be overcome by the way we attach the device or it can be utilised in another way so please contact us to discuss.
How much does WanderSearch pay to issue a device?WanderSearch is a Charitable Trust and relies on donations, trusts & philanthropic grants and fundraising to operate in the community. It costs the Trust $350 to issue a tracking device with an on-going yearly maintenance cost of $120. Therefore, all donations are most gratefully received. If you would like to donate please press the donate button at the top of the screen and follow the instructions